Masyarakat di Dusun Pau, Desa Tihingan, Banjarangkan, Klungkung dihebohkan dengan kejadian yang dialami warga setempat, Ni Wayan Norti (39). Ibu dari dua buah hati tersebut dikatakan sempat meninggal dunia, sebelum alhasil hidup kembali. Bagaimana kisah tak masuk akal ini bisa terjadi?
Hujan mengguyur Dusun Pau, Desa Tihingan, Selasa (13/3/2018). Beberapa warga terlihat menggenakan baju adat dan berkumpul di Pura Pejenengan Sakti, yang terletak tepat di sebelah utara Balai Banjar Pau. Perhatian warga sekitar dikala itu tertuju pada seorang wanita berbadan kurus, yang mengalami kesurupan (trance) di areal pura. Rambutnya menonjol terurai, dan tatapannya tajam menatap warga disekitarnya. Wanita itu oleh warga sekitar dikenal sebagai Ni Wayan Norti. Warga Desa Jumpai Klungkung, yang menikah ke Dusun Pau.
Ia ketika itu menghebohkan warga di Dusun Pau, karena sempat dilansir meninggal dunia. Kepala Dusun Desa Pau, I Wayan Ardana Ariasa menyebutkan, Senin (12/3/2018), Ni Wayan Norti nampak sehat walafiat. Ia pun ikut prosesi melasti ke Pantai Watu Klotok. Dikala perjalanan hingga prosesi melasti malah, Ni Wayan Norti mengalami kesurupan. Setelah menjalani progres melasti, atau sekitar pukul 15.00 Wita, Wayan Norti dan suaminya I Nyoman Sutiasa lalu menetapkan pergi ke rumah kostnya di Denpasar. Sebab keesokan harinya Selasa (13/3/2018), suaminya hendak berprofesi sebagai sopir pekerja paruh waktu bagi pelancong. \\\"Kemarin aku sempat ketemu, dan kelihatan sehat. Melainkan tadi, Selasa (13/3/2018) sekitar pukul 10.00 Wita, kami mendapatkan isu melewati telepon dari I Nyoman Sutiasa sekiranya istrinya meninggal dunia.
Dia juga minta ijin akan membawa jenazah istrinya pulang ke kampung, dengan mengaplikasikan mobil pribadinya,\\\" ujar Kepala Dusun Desa Pau, I Wayan Ardana Ariasa saat meniru prosesi tersebut. Setelah mendapatkan informasi hal yang demikian, I Wayan Ardana Ariasa lalu berkoordinasi dengan pihak Desa Adat berkaitan rencana penguburan Ni Wayan Norti.
Pihak adat lalu merekomendasikan, penguburan baru bisa dikerjakan setelah hari raya Nyepi. Karena ini sebab masih ada prosesi upacara adat, di desa setempat. Sebab itulah, I Wayan Ardana Riasa dan pihak keluarga bergegas mencegat I Nyoman Sutiasa di beberapa titik, yaitu di perempatan Desa Takmung dan pertigaan Takmung. \\\"Kami cegat supaya tak keburu sampai kampung. Rencananya, kami minta nanti jenazah supaya dititipkan di rumah sakit,\\\" ungkap Ardana Riasa. Namun, Wayan Ardana Riasa dan kerabatnya berhasil menghentikan laju kendaraan Sutiasa di pertigaan Dusun Banda.
Dikala Sutiasa konsisten ngotot untuk membawa jasad istrinya ke kampung halaman. \\\"Saat itu aku lihat Ni Wayan Norti terbaring di jok belakang mobil, dan diikat,\\\" ungkap Ardana Riasa. Mengingat situasi psikologis Sutiasa yang sedang berduka, dia pun diperkenankan untuk membawa istrinya ke rumah kesedihan. Sutiasa tiba di Dusun Pau sekitar jam 13.00 Wita. Ketika itu Ardana Riasa dan pihak keluarga lainya, turut menolong menggotong tubuh dari Ni Wayan Norti. \\\"Dikala itu tangannya saya pegang, terasa dingin. Sementara suaminya ketika saya tanya detail kronologis kejadian ini, belum bisa kami tanya,\\\" terang Ardana Riasa Keanehan lalu terjadi. Dikala akan digotong menuju kediamannya, tiba-tiba tubuh dari Ni Wayan Norti bergerak.
Bahkan hal itu, pihak keluarga lalu bergegas membawanya ke kamar. Setelah, Ardana Riasa sempat memanggil dokter dari Puskesmas Banjrangakan II untuk memeriksakan keadaan Wayan Norti. \\\"Dokter telah sampai di rumah, tapi Ni Wayan Norti tidak mau untuk diperiksakan kondisinya. Dokter malahan lalu pulang,\\\" ungkapnya. Setelah mengalami peristiwa aneh itu, pihak keluarga lalu menggelar ritual di Pura Pejenengan Sakti. Sebagian kerabat dan Ni Wayan Norti sempat kesurupan (trance) di pura hal yang demikian. Sesudah kondisi sempat heboh, saat Ni Wayan Norti sempat berlari dari Pura menuju kediamannya, untuk memanggil kedua putrinya. \\\"Sebab mengalami momen seperti itu, rencanya Ni Wayan Norti akan melaksanakan ritual Mediksa,\\\" Ungkap Ardana Riasa.
Sumber: TribunBali
The brokerage industry is characterized by such a stiff competition that Forex brokers are trying to do everything to attract new customers. But only attracting new customers is not the way to survive in this business. Retaining the current traders is key for a Forex brokerage house. However, this is not an easy task as active trades are difficult to find.
Nevertheless, conditions are still in favor of more and more people to come and join the Forex market. This is because people in all corners of the world have access to the Internet and the number is increasing by the day. A Forex broker needs to split the efforts in two directions: on one hand, it needs to attract new clients, and on another, it needs to keep the active ones’ trading. This is a difficult task to be done. As a business that runs pretty much the same for every brokerage house, the Forex industry offers little chances for brokers to differentiate from one another. If you go and check a list of brokers and their offering, you’ll find out that they are pretty much similar. This is not good for any business as customers are not loyal if there is a similar offer just around the corner. To avoid that, Forex brokers are desperately trying to offer something new every time.
Nevertheless, conditions are still in favor of more and more people to come and join the Forex market. This is because people in all corners of the world have access to the Internet and the number is increasing by the day. A Forex broker needs to split the efforts in two directions: on one hand, it needs to attract new clients, and on another, it needs to keep the active ones’ trading. This is a difficult task to be done. As a business that runs pretty much the same for every brokerage house, the Forex industry offers little chances for brokers to differentiate from one another. If you go and check a list of brokers and their offering, you’ll find out that they are pretty much similar. This is not good for any business as customers are not loyal if there is a similar offer just around the corner. To avoid that, Forex brokers are desperately trying to offer something new every time.
What is CFD?
One way to differentiate a Forex business from another one is to try to keep up with technological changes. This is a field that changes by the day, as more and more things are being developed, and therefore a whole department is needed for this task. Another way is to offer other financial products that can be traded on the same trading account. Such a product is a CFD (Contract for Difference). A CFD can be traded on other products other than the Forex currency pairs. Such products are individual stock companies. As the name suggests, a CFD is a financial product based on the difference between the entry and the exit price. If this difference is positive by the time the trade is closed, a profit is being made. If not, the trading account takes a loss. The trading principle is the same as when trading a currency pair, only that the underlying financial product is different.
Advantages of Trading CFD’s
There are many advantages and incentives to trade the CFD market. The most important one of them all is the fact that the CFD market gives access to a whole new world of opportunities, other than the Forex market. And everything can be done on the same trading account! There’s no need to open a different trading account, as the CFD products are simply being offered for trading in the same account. If the account is opened with a broker that has the MetaTrader platform on its offering, the thing to do is to go to the tab that shows all the currency pairs that are being offered and then simply right-click on any pair. Next, select the “Show all” tab. The result will be that all financial products offered by that Forex broker, CFD’s included, will be listed. This way, the entire offering can be seen. In general, a CFD is based on a company’s stock price. This gives access to the stock market, a market that otherwise cannot be traded with a regular Forex account.
To trade the stock market, a trader needs to open a trading account designed especially for this. This is both time consuming and costly, in the sense that resources are divided. Plus, the same information needed to trade the Forex market can be used for trading CFD’s. That is fundamental information. To give you an example, imagine the Federal Reserve of the United States is raising the interest rates for the federal funds. Such a move is beneficial for the financial sector and banks will be the first ones to see profitability increasing. Therefore, buying a CFD on a bank stock price is the way to go. If indeed, the price of the stock is moving to the upside, the CFD will return a profit, based on the difference between the buying price and the selling price. Of course, trading the stock market is not that straightforward, as other things come and influence the way stocks are moving. Things like earnings calendar, dividend dates, mergers and acquisitions, etc., are all influencing the price of any given stock, and this has nothing to do with the Forex market. However, having access to an entirely new market other than Forex, allows traders to diversify their strategies and portfolios. This is the first step in a proper money management strategy designed to keep the value of a portfolio on the rise.
To trade the stock market, a trader needs to open a trading account designed especially for this. This is both time consuming and costly, in the sense that resources are divided. Plus, the same information needed to trade the Forex market can be used for trading CFD’s. That is fundamental information. To give you an example, imagine the Federal Reserve of the United States is raising the interest rates for the federal funds. Such a move is beneficial for the financial sector and banks will be the first ones to see profitability increasing. Therefore, buying a CFD on a bank stock price is the way to go. If indeed, the price of the stock is moving to the upside, the CFD will return a profit, based on the difference between the buying price and the selling price. Of course, trading the stock market is not that straightforward, as other things come and influence the way stocks are moving. Things like earnings calendar, dividend dates, mergers and acquisitions, etc., are all influencing the price of any given stock, and this has nothing to do with the Forex market. However, having access to an entirely new market other than Forex, allows traders to diversify their strategies and portfolios. This is the first step in a proper money management strategy designed to keep the value of a portfolio on the rise.
Disadvantages of Trading CFD’s
The biggest disadvantage when trading a CFD is the margin needed for a trade. This is, by far, much bigger than the margin locked for any Forex trade. Brokers are enjoying this very much as the lower the margin level in a trading account, the more business for them means. Let me explain this in a few words! When opening a trade in a trading account, the margin for that trade is blocked. The more trades are open, or the bigger the volume, the lower the free margin level will be. If positions are going against the trader, the available margin will become smaller and smaller and the trader faces two choices: either will add more funds to the trading account (hence, in the future, will trade some more, so the Forex broker will benefit) or will close the current positions (closing the positions to free margin in the trading account means the Forex broker will benefit as new positions will be opened and commissions and fees will keep pouring in). Therefore, trading CFD’s is costly for the Forex trader, but represents a good business opportunity for the Forex broker. To put it bluntly, for the broker, it is a win-win situation. Besides the margin thing, a CFD is a product that is riskier than trading a currency pair. This is a curious statement to be made about the Forex market, a market considered to be extremely risky. Nevertheless, CFD’s are riskier. These products are moving based on the factors that influence the Forex market, plus some more, like dividend dates, earnings calendar, etc. Moreover, diversifying too much in a trading account has the effect of splitting the attention and focus on too many directions. This can result in the trading account to incur losses as the focus is split. To sum up, trading Forex and CFD’s is similar, but the factors that move the two markets are not the same. Being able to combine the benefits of both markets is something that successful traders do.