Kehebohan kembali terjadi di media sosial. Seorang dokter yang tercantum bernama dr Kiki MK Samsi SpA(K) M. Kes mengumumkan bahwa dirinya menolak pasien dengan asuransi karena riba. Dalam pengumuman itu, sang dokter mengatakan bahwa dirinya akan melayani tiap pasien tanpa terkecali.
Ia akan memberi keterangan reimburs atau asuransi perusahaan yang tidak menarik premi. Tapi, dia mengumumkan, \"Untuk asuransi ribawi, terhitung sejak 1 Mei 2017, setelah pengobatan ananda, aku tidak dapat mengisi keterangan medis.\" Asuransi ribawi dalam definisi Kiki ialah asuransi perseorangan maupun perusahaan yang menarik premi tiap jangka waktu tertentu. \"Kebijakan ini aku lakukan dalam upaya menghindari diri dari dosa riba,\" demikian sang dokter mengumumkan kebijakannya.
Ahli akhlak kedokteran dari Universitas Atma Jaya Jakarta, Sintak Gunawan, menuturkan bahwa kasus dr Kiki mencerminkan abu-abu dunia kedokteran. \"Berdasarkan pendapat aku pribadi, dokter mempunyai hak saja menolak pasien karena kepercayaannya. Asal itu sudah diberitahukan sejak permulaan,\" katanya. Sintak menuturkan, keadaan itu mirip dengan dokter yang menolak mengerjakan aborsi meski negara daerah ia berkarir menyetujui pengguguran.
Meskipun demikian, penggunaan kepercayaan dokter hanya berlaku dalam kondisi tidak darurat. Seandainya berada dalam situasi yang tidak ada alternatif, dokter mesti membantu pasien, siapa malahan itu. \"Itu sebab setiap dokter sudah disumpah untuk menyelamatkan pasien. Setiap dokter seharusnya merawat pasien paling tak sampai melewati masa kedaruratannya,\" jelas Sintak terhadap, Rabu (24/5/2017). Satu hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan, berdasarkan Sintak, penolakan patut dilandasi elemen kepercayaan.
Jadi, dokter tak mempolitisi alasan penolakannya. Misalnya, sengaja menolak pasien dengan BPJS. Sintak menuturkan, tiap rumah sakit pun memiliki hak untuk merekrut dokter cocok nilai-nilainya dan menghargai kepercayaan dokter. \"Apabila ada dokter yang menolak pasien berasuransi, rumah sakit dapat memastikan dokter itu. Apabila tetap mengijinkan dokter berprakter, rumah sakit wajib mengacu pasien berasuransi ke dokter lain,\" katanya.
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The Forex Factory Calendar is by far the most user-friendly and accurate calendar to keep track of Forex-related news events. By the end of this tutorial, you will know how to use the calendar as well as how to read it in a way that is beneficial to your trading.
But before we get into the details, I want to dispel a common misconception.
Many technical traders make the mistake of thinking that, because they take a technical approach to the market, they don’t have to pay attention to news events.
While it isn’t necessary to study the news, it is advantageous to know when news is expected. This is especially true for heavy-hitting news that can adversely affect the market. Not only can this type of news affect an open position, it can cause slippage and gaps that can wreak havoc for pending orders.
Here’s how you can use a Forex news calendar to start making more informed trading decisions.
From the screen above, you can see additional details such as the source, frequency and history of the event to name a few. To close this window, simply click the “X” shown in the image above.
Before we move on, I want to reiterate how important it is to use these additional details sparingly, if at all. The real advantage to using a calendar as a technical trader lies in the scheduled time and expected impact of the news. Anything more than that and using a news calendar can become more of a distraction than an asset.
That concludes the process of setting up the Forex Factory news calendar. Now let’s get into the second half of this tutorial and discuss how to use what you’ve just learned to your advantage when trading Forex price action.
Choosing the Important Headlines
Knowing how to set up the Forex Factory calendar is one thing, knowing how to use it properly is quite another. The first thing to understand is that you only want to focus on the market-moving events.
This means setting the filter to include only the medium and high-impact news events. By doing this, you don’t have to sift through the low-impact news to find the events that are likely to cause increased volatility.
Pro Tip: Below is a list of some of the major news events you should keep an eye on as you trade the Forex market.
- Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
- Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP)
- Unemployment rates
- Final Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Monetary policy announcements
- Any rate decision announcement from central banks
Before moving on, let’s recap what you have learned thus far.
By now you should have the time zone, filter and time frame set for your calendar. You should know how to view additional details of a news event as well as which events are most likely to cause an increase in volatility.
Next we will get into how to strategically position your trades around major news events so as to minimize your risk.